WHESQ (Work Health Safety, Environment & Quality)

Ultimate Engineering is committed to providing a secure, healthy, safe, environmentally responsible workplace with safe systems of work, on-going training, competent supervisors and safe plant and equipment. The following objectives are key to our success:

  • Comply with applicable local and national laws, regulations, codes of practice and maintain certified Work Health, Safety, Environment and Quality (WHSEQ) management systems;
  • Ensure all managers, supervisors, employees, contractors and other workers receive the appropriate support, information, instruction, training and supervision required to develop the skills to safely carry out their duties and WHSEQ responsibilities;
  • Identify and assess all hazards to WHSE and where they cannot be eliminated are effectively controlled, and efficiently respond to client quality concerns in an effective manner;
  • Develop WHSEQ objectives and targets through the UEMS strategic planning process, provide financial and personnel resources to support improvement projects, measure and analyse effectiveness, and review progress to continuously improve our operations;
  • Ensure workers, clients and suppliers are consulted and encouraged to contribute to the decision-making process on WHSEQ matters; and
  • Maintain a fair and creative work environment that respects and rewards new ideas, innovation and hard work.

Address:  3052b Sturt Highway, Stockwell South Australia 5355 Telephone:  08 8562 1511 Fax:  08 8562 2624 Email: 


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